• HDP11 - San Fulgencio (Alicante)

Project Information: 

Type of project: Renovation & Decoration
Location: Urb. La Marina (Alicante)
Property Type: Detached House
Room(s): Kitchen + Bathroom

Project Description:

After buying their new home in Spain, J. & H. wanted to modernise the property by renovating the kitchen, the bathroom, the floors, and create 2 new openings towards the garden. A design already in mind, we were contracted to bring the project to life!

Our work consisted in:

  • Presenting all design and decoration ideas with 3D visuals
  • Establishing a detailed budget covering all aspects of the project
  • Contract a building company to renovate the floors, bathroom and create new openings
  • Search and purchase of materials required (Tiles, decorations, bathroom equipment, etc.)
  • Contract kitchen company to build new kitchen following clients design requests
  • Managing full project
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